Been hoisting furniture, packing, unpacking... 45, yes FORTY-FIVE boxes of books from my office alone - Surveying, Civil Engineering, Law, Philosophy, History, GIS, .NET, Java, XML, Web Services, Environmental Science, Stormwater, Wetlands, Limnology, Soil Science, Transportation, Geography... That's just the books. Add to this, an antique map table and a massive desk - old mahogany antiques on a grand scale that no longer exists... Several computers, servers, routers, hubs, monitors, et cetera...
Well, that about sums up one room of my house. Now scale that up by nearly 4,000 square feet. Living on leeched neighborhood broadband until my own gets restored, along with a lot of other seat-of-the-pants flying this week.
So... We do have a closing date on the Jean Kerr house... I don't want to curse myself by posting any more details, but it is a good thing.
Now I must sit and rest the aches...

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