Geo term du jour: SAOGI 'say•yogi' - "Senior Agency Official for Geospatial Information". Per FGDC,
The SAOGI will oversee, coordinate, and facilitate the agency's implementation of the geospatial-related policies, directives, requirements, and activities.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
- Representative on the FGDC Steering Committee
- Oversees coordination of geospatial information activities
- Appoints the agency rep to serve on the FGDC Coordination Group
- Appoints reps to FGDC subcommittees and/or working groups
- Knowledgeable about its agency's geospatial investments
- Serving as a champion for the use, value, and benefits of geospatial information
- Collaborates with the agency CIO (if not the CIO) to implement geospatial information initiatives

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