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    Exploring all aspects of mapping and geography, from field data collection, to mapping and analysis, to integration, applications development, enterprise architecture and policy

Hotels and Water Conservation

Posted by Dave Smith On 1/20/2008 09:14:00 AM 2 comments

While I would applaud hotels and businesses for their efforts toward conservation, I still have to wonder about this "save the planet, don't wash towels and linens" thing that I've been noticing in my travels over the years.

I have no problem with reusing towels and linens at home, but in hotels, it tends to instead come across more as cost-cutting and corner-cutting.

I would be a lot more convinced to see a hotel engaged in such water conservation measures as rooftop gardens, rainwater harvesting and greywater reclamation for landscape irrigation and nonpotable uses. Additionally, implementation of water saving measures through efficient fixtures and design throughout should also certainly be encouraged.

Some resources:

Water Conservation

2 Response for the " Hotels and Water Conservation "

  1. Its totally a cost saving measure from them. I always make sure I throw the towels on the floor to get them changed out (as well at the bed sheets).

  2. Though I try to give folks the benefit of the doubt, my inner pundit shouts out at this particular practice...
