Surveying, Mapping and GIS

Exploring all aspects of mapping and geography, from field data collection, to mapping and analysis, to integration, applications development and enterprise architecture...

  • Geospatial Technology, End to End...

    Exploring all aspects of mapping and geography, from field data collection, to mapping and analysis, to integration, applications development, enterprise architecture and policy

Coastline Erosion

Posted by Dave Smith On 3/05/2007 12:12:00 PM 0 comments

The Times Picayune has a good article discussing the dramatic, accelerated loss of coastline in Louisiana due to erosion:

It took the Mississippi River 6,000 years to build the La. coast. It took man 75 years to wash away a third of it. Experts agree we have 10 years or less to act before the loss becomes irreversible.

Also striking for me was the accompanying photo essay, which included photos of an NGS benchmark, which has long since lost integrity and become surrounded by water and ghost trees, where formerly there was shore...

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