I am currently working with Engineers Without Borders to look at a project in Cameroon, to provide a rural village with a viable potable water supply. To this end, I am looking for any pointers toward GIS data, aerial photos, elevation data, imagery and anything else of value in engineering design and environmental science that would help in design of water distribution, water conveyance via pipeline, wastewater treatment and the like. I'd like to be able to evaluate the big picture, with regard to potential opportunities and constraints to engineering design, ahead of a site visit to take place later in the year.
If you have access to data or good knowledge of GIS data in the region, Please contact me offline at dsmith (at) synergist-tech.com.
If you have access to data or good knowledge of GIS data in the region, Please contact me offline at dsmith (at) synergist-tech.com.
Cameroon Data